Sunday, April 10, 2011

Les Souris De La Campagne..

Spent the weekend in the countryside.
This is what came of it, and believe me when I tell you that these are the BEST photos from the trip.
Nice to be back in my bed :)


Marie Antoinette's humble abode.

City Mouse.



Deranged or Blissful smiles?

Damn that coke bottle.

Le Visage.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Name is Jess, and I am Alive

I've decided I really need to stop leaving my camera at home and relying on my shitty iphone camera.
Nothing's really new in the past few months. Still trying to figure out what I will be doing post-graduation...
Here are a few concerts and things i've been to, and of course, the beautiful people.

The Anti Great-Depression

Sexual Predators.




Friday, January 28, 2011

Barcelona :)

So my friend Luar and I found some 20 euro (roundtrip) tickets to Barcelona and had to jump on them.
It was a glorious weekend. Such a beautiful, slow-paced city. Felt so safe and the food was amazing.
Here's a few pictures...

Monday, January 3, 2011


So for New Year's I was in Italy in my sister's boyfriend's town.
The flight there was definitely eventful...
Definitely not drinking before an international flight again any time soon.

UDINE is a quaint little town in the North. I think I blacked out and woke up in France due to all of the amazing food I had. There wasn't a moment that I wasn't stuffing myself with the best tomatoes, peppers, bread, and chicken that I've ever had.
Thanks again for letting me stay Andrea :)

Here are a few photos (missing the Venice photos, but they will come later)

Buon Natale

Duck Crossing :)

Apparently Hoggle decided to greet us.


Somehow this translation seems a bit off haha.

Les Alpes